Alberta Genealogical Society, Edmonton Branch
- PAA-0009
- Corporate body
- 1973-
The Alberta Genealogical Society (AGS) was founded in 1973 as a non-profit organization to encourage and promote the study of family history in Alberta. The AGS aids genealogical research in the province through direct consultation with researchers, newsletters and occasional publications, providing information including listings of cemeteries in Alberta, and serving as a lobby group for genealogical interests on issues important to the community. Edmonton became a Branch of the AGS in March, 1974.
Membership with the AGS, Edmonton Branch includes access to branch library holdings (reference sources, periodicals, books, microfiche, microfilm and CDs) and the opportunity participate in Special Interest Groups, including those focused on topics such as Canada/US, Computers in Genealogy, DNA, England and Wales, French, German, Ireland, Postscripts (writing family history), Reunion for Mac Computers, Scandinavia, Scotland, and Ukraine.
The AGS, Edmonton Branch is governed by an executive consisting of a President, Vice President, Past President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Library Committee, and Membership Director. The branch also operates the following committees: Archivist/Historian, Genealogical Courses and Outreach, Genealogical Research, Program Chair, Publicity Chair, Branch Newsletter (Clandigger), Corresponding Secretary, Electronic Resources, and Webmaster. Branch general meetings are open to members and non-members.
The branch also presents programs of general interest to the beginner to the advanced genealogist.