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Linda Many Guns fonds

  • CA MRUASC F0056
  • Fonds
  • 1972-2011, predominantly 1999-2003

Fonds consists of materials from Dr. Linda Many Guns' research project, "The Ten Grandmothers Project" (initially called "The Ten Old Ladies Project"), based on Many Guns' interviews with traditional Blackfoot elders in southern Alberta and the United States. The research project was focused on the elders' teachings about the role of women in Blackfoot society and was carried out while Many Guns was Executive Director of the Nii Touii Knowledge and Learning Centre.

The fonds consists of one series containing audio recordings of the interviews, as well as transcripts, release forms, notes, correspondence, a draft manuscript of a book Many Guns intended to publish, drawings, fabric samples, and photographs. Also included are other audio recordings of Blackfoot language lessons, songs, and dances.

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Leona Paterson fonds

  • CA MRUASC F0038
  • Fonds
  • 1896-[201-], predominantly 1940-1998

Fonds documents Paterson's career as a teacher of speech and drama at Mount Royal College, her adjudication work at festivals across Canada, her involvement with Knox United Church, and her work as director of the Mount Royal College Conservatory.

The fonds contains: scrapbooks, daily date books, speech arts theory exams, scripts, travel diaries, programs for speech and drama festivals, photographs of Mount Royal faculty and Paterson's friends and family, Knox United Church records, speeches, toasts, poems and scripts collected by Theresa M. Siegel, audio reels of performances, interviews with Leona Paterson, and original poetry by her husband Harold "Pat" Paterson. The fonds is arranged into the following series: scrapbooks, professional activities, teaching, Harold Paterson, Theresa M. Siegel, personal records, and audiovisual materials.

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Hans Arno Birkigt family fonds

  • CA ATH ath-2119
  • Fonds
  • 1932-1978

The fonds consists of photographs with the following subject headings: Mrs. Alchorn, Clifford Bell, Herman Bieber, Hans Birkigt, Rita Birkigt, Walter Bruchhausen, Ernst Feuereisen, furs, Joe Gill, Earl Kay, Charlie Linders, Fred Meyer, Kurt George (Dick) Naumann (1901-1978), Old Trading Post store, trucking, and Paul Wickers. Rita Birkigt lists the names of other trappers, and mink and fox ranchers, in a seven page article. Other material includes correspondence with Monica Cardinal, Clifford House, May McIntosh, and C.B.Olson; tax receipts and fur licenses, and an article about Rita published in the Jan.1, 1987 edition of Western People, a supplement to The Western Producer. There is a financial statement for the Athabasca Curling Club for the year ending April, 1970. Rita also handled funeral expenses and dispersement of property for Ernst Feuereisen, Abraham Funk and Adeline Logan. The artifact is a snuff can opener.

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Margaret Chappelle fonds

  • CA EDM MS-735
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1885]-1993

This fonds consists of correspondence, artwork, photographs, and objects belonging to Margaret Chappelle. The fonds reflects Chappelle's work as an artist and a leader and active participant in Edmonton's art scene. The photographs include images of her completed works, and also document her and her husband's life and their relatives. There are also several photos of MacKinnon Ravine and Whitemud Creek which speak to her interest in environmental conservation.

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Gay and Lesbian Archives of Edmonton fonds (GALA)

  • CA EDM MS-595
  • Fonds
  • 1969 - 2010

The Gay and Lesbian Archives captures many aspects of Edmonton’s gay and lesbian population, ca. 1970 to the mid-2000s and the growth of organizations and groups to facilitate and serve them. The primary organizations represented in the fonds, and described as the first four series of the fonds are: the Gay Alliance Toward Equality (GATE), Gay and Lesbian Awareness (GALA), the AIDS Network of Edmonton Society, and the Gay and Lesbian Community Centre of Edmonton (GLCCE). Within each of these organizations, are administrative records including bylaws, constitution, meeting minutes and documents, financial statements, and correspondence, as well as any type of activity or committee records maintained by the said organization.

There is inter-relatedness to many of these organizations, and the boundaries between their activities and mandate can be hard to distinguish from one another. Series 5, as an example, is the Edmonton Pride Festival Society records, which had origins with both GALA and GLCCE but outgrew both organizations to form its own society in 1999, and is concerned with numerous on-going annual pride events organized for Edmonton. Other series in the fonds that have origins in earlier organizations include Series 9: Civil/Human Rights; Series 12: Organizations; and Series 13: Resources and References. Responsibilities for collecting in these series shifted as organizations and their committees closed and reopened under new names and structures, and so the decision was made to organize the records within separate series to better describe them and capture this evolution.

The remaining series in the fonds represents a way to organize the records to reflect what has already been donated, but also allow for expansion as further accruals are received.

Smaller series in the fonds include series 6, the University of Alberta Gay organizations; series 7: Sporting Associations; and Series 10, Youth Related Organizations and Resources. While relatively small yet in extent, there is the potential for growth within each of these series as new University-related groups, sporting organizations, and youth-focused associations relating to Edmonton’s GLBQT population form. Gay cultural and social organizations were also established in Edmonton, and two of the series in the fonds relate directly to these: Series 8 is records of the Vocal Minority Music Society which later became Edmonton Vocal Minority, and Series 11 contains records from some of the clubs and entertainment venues that operated in Edmonton. The connection between series is again obvious, as for example, the gay entertainment clubs often hosted events and activities as fundraisers for the Aids Network of Edmonton. Continued expansion in these series is also likely.

A final series was created to capture those files created by Michael Phair, a well-known Edmontonian and activist for the gay community of Edmonton. His name is connected with many of the groups represented in this fonds, and he was a prime mover behind the gathering and preserving of the Gay and Lesbian archive.

Series are as follows:

  • Series 1 – Gay Alliance Toward Equity (GATE)
  • Series 2 – Gay and Lesbian Awareness (GALA)
  • Series 3 – AIDS Network / HIV Edmonton
  • Series 4 – Gay and Lesbian Community Centre of Edmonton (GLCCE) / Pride Centre of Edmonton
  • Series 5 – Edmonton Pride Festival Society / Pride Events
  • Series 6 – University of Alberta Gay Organizations
  • Series 7 – Sporting Associations
  • Series 8 – The Vocal Minority Music Society / Edmonton Vocal Minority
  • Series 9 – Civil / Human Rights
  • Series 10 – Youth Related Organizations / Resources
  • Series 11 – Clubs / Entertainment Venues
  • Series 12 – Organizations
  • Series 13 – Resources and References
  • Series 14 – Michael Phair records

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Northern Alberta Pioneers and Old Timers' Association (NAPOTA) fonds

  • CA EDM MS-56
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1885]-2009, predominant 1914-2009

The fonds consists of textual records, historical documents, photographs, paintings and maps gathered by NAPOTA in support of the association’s goal of preserving the history of Edmonton. The fonds also includes the records of the association including minutes, membership records, correspondence, financial documents and news clippings.
The fonds is arranged as follows:

  1. Minutes 1914-1989
  2. Correspondence files 1926, 1928-1929
    . a. Alphabetical file series
    . b. Correspondence files
  3. Topical files 1887-2009
    . a. Alphabetical file series
    . b. Correspondence files
  4. Membership records
  5. Newspapers and Clippings
  6. Financial records
  7. Certificates
  8. Ephemera
  9. Maps
  10. Books

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Oil Wives Club of Edmonton fonds

  • CA EDM MS-375
  • Fonds
  • 1951-1986

The fonds consists of records pertaining to the Edmonton branch of the Oil Wives Club including minutes, correspondence, annual reports, rosters and by-laws.

File list:

  1. Dinner Meeting Minutes, 1951-1956
  2. Dinner Meeting Minutes, 1971-1975
  3. Executive Minutes, 1971-1975
  4. Executive/General Meetings, 1976-1977
  5. Executive/General Meetings, 1977-1979
  6. Minutes- Regular Executive, Correspondence, and Annual Reports, 1980-1986
  7. Executive Meeting Minutes, 1979-1984
  8. Rosters and By-Laws, 1970-1986

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Dorothy May King fonds

  • CA EDM MS-237
  • Fonds
  • 1977
  • File 1: "Childhood Memories of Edmonton, 1902-1911" written by Dorothy May King in conjunction with Christina McQueen McKnight, and Jean McQueen Siemens (1977)
  • File 2: Portrait of John Rowand painted by Dorothy May King (n.d.)

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Emily Murphy fonds

  • CA EDM MS-2
  • Fonds
  • 1903 - 1960

The fonds consists of a series of scrapbooks compiled by Emily Murphy covering all aspects of her varied career and dating from 1906 to 1933. The records include correspondence, reports and other material relating to her work as a magistrate as well as manuscripts of some of her many articles. Some of the material relating to Mrs. Murphy was collected by her daughter, Evelyn Gowan Murphy, after Mrs. Murphy died. Scrapbooks include clippings concerning the death of Arthur Murphy and the lives of Evelyn and her sister, Emily Kenwood.
The photographs include 2 of Emily Murphy and 2 of dust jackets from her books “Janey Canuck In The West” and “Open Trails”.
The material was arranged as follows:

  • Police Magistrate Correspondence
  • Social and Legal Problems
  • Personal Papers
  • Manuscript Articles
  • Published Articles
  • Miscellaneous Papers
  • Emily Murphy Memorial Fund
  • Notebooks
  • Scrapbooks

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Eva McKitrick collection

  • CA EDM MS-196
  • Collection
  • 1888 - 1990

The collection consists of predominately published materials and photographs collected by Eva McKitrick between 1909 and 1990. The textual records relate to the history of Edmonton and Canada's Indigenous People, and were split into two series along these topics. The photographs predominately document the McKitrick family and their travels and work around Canada.

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